Windows Server 2016 Standart (tested)

Before setting up the wallet, you need to allow ports in the firewall

Your need open “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security” Choose a section Inbound Rules. Press New Rule.

In the window that opens, select Port, press Next. TCP In “Specific local ports” write 7778. Press Next. Check that you have selected to allow the connection. Press Next-Next. Set a name (any) and Finish. We do the same, only at the second stage we select the UDP port.

Next we go to the Outbound rules section. Similarly, we create two allowing rules for TCP, UDP port 7778 Downloading the wallet: Unzip and run hellar-qt.exe

Create an address for the masternode. To do this, go to File - Receiving addresses. Push button New. We send 1000 coins to this address in one transaction and 4000 or more coins in the second. Set up wallet configuration. Go to:Tools – Open Wallet Configuration File

An empty window will open, paste the following lines into it

rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass server=1 listen=1 daemon=1 port=7778 rpcport=7788 maxconnections=48 rpcallowip= #masternode=1 #masternodeblsprivkey= #masternodeprivkey= externalip=

Enter your static ip address in the externalip field. Let's leave the lines with the masternodes commented out for now. Save the file and exit. It is necessary to set up a window with masternodes in the wallet. Go to

Settings – Option – Wallet

Put a tick Show Masternodes Tab

Restart wallet

I recommend opening a text editor separately and saving the data received from the commands.

Next, enter the commands and write the results to a file. Go to Tools – Debug console

masternode genkey bls generate

After one confirmation in the network of sent coins, enter the command

masternode outputs