Create and fund a wallet

In order to make changes on Hellar Platform, you need a wallet with a balance. This tutorial explains how to generate a new wallet, retrieve an address from it, and transfer test funds to the address from a faucet.



`const Hellar = require('hellar');

const clientOpts = { network: 'mainnet', wallet: { mnemonic: null, // this indicates that we want a new wallet to be generated // if you want to get a new address for an existing wallet // replace 'null' with an existing wallet mnemonic offlineMode: true, // this indicates we don't want to sync the chain // it can only be used when the mnemonic is set to 'null' }, };

const client = new Hellar.Client(clientOpts);

const createWallet = async () => { const account = await client.getWalletAccount();

const mnemonic = client.wallet.exportWallet(); const address = account.getUnusedAddress(); console.log('Mnemonic:', mnemonic); console.log('Unused address:', address.address); };

createWallet() .catch((e) => console.error('Something went wrong:\n', e)) .finally(() => client.disconnect());

// Handle wallet async errors client.on('error', (error, context) => { console.error(Client error: ${}); console.error(context); });`

Mnemonic: thrive wolf habit timber birth service crystal patient tiny depart tower focus Unused address: yXF7LsyajRvJGX96vPHBmo9Dwy9zEvzkbh

🚧 Please save your mnemonic for the next step and for re-use in subsequent tutorials throughout the documentation.

What’s Happening

Once we connect, we output the newly generated mnemonic from client.wallet.exportWallet() and an unused address from the wallet from account.getUnusedAddress().

Next Step

Using the faucet at, send test funds to the “unused address” from the console output. You will need to wait until the funds are confirmed to use them. There is a block explorer running at which can be used to check confirmations.