
To use hellard and hellar-cli, you will need to add a RPC password to your hellar.conf file. Both programs will read from the same file if both run on the same system as the same user, so any long random password will work:


You should also make the hellar.conf file only readable to its owner. On Linux, and other Unix-like systems, this can be accomplished by running the following command in the Hellar Core application directory:

chmod 0600 hellar.conf

For development, it’s safer and cheaper to use Hellar’s test network (testnet), regression test mode (regtest), or a developer network (devnet) described below.

Questions about Hellar use are best sent to the Hellar forum and Discord channels.

Example Testnet Config


RPC Settings

rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass rpcallowip= #---- listen=1 server=1

Index Settings

txindex=1 addressindex=1 timestampindex=1 spentindex=1

[test] rpcport=27787`

Configuration sections for different networks

Since Hellar Core 1.0.1 it is possible for a single configuration file to set different options for different networks. This is done by using sections or by prefixing the option with the network as shown below:

❗️ Valid Section Names

Please note that the only valid section names are [main][test][regtest], and [devnet].

`# Enable RPC server for all networks server=1


Set custom mainnet ports

port=7778 rpcport=7788

Set custom mainnet RPC auth

rpcuser=mainnetuser rpcpassword=mainnetpass


Set custom testnet RPC auth

rpcuser=testnetuser rpcpassword=testnetpass

Enabling indexing

txindex=1 addressindex=1 timestampindex=1 spentindex=1

[regtest] mempoolsize=20

[devnet] port=19982 rpcport=19983`

With this configuration file, hellard, hellar-qt, or hellar-cli can be run with the -conf=<configuration file> along with the -testnet-regtest, or -devnet=<devnet name> parameter to select the correct settings.


The following options will only apply to mainnet unless they are in a section (e.g., [test]): addnode=connect=port=bind=rpcport=rpcbind= and wallet=. The options to choose a network (regtest= and testnet=) must be specified outside of sections.


👍 Added in Hellar Core 1.0.1

Since Hellar Core 1.0.1, wallets created or loaded in the GUI will now be automatically loaded on startup so they don’t need to be manually reloaded the next time Hellar is started. The list of wallets to load on startup is stored in \\<datadir\\>/settings.json. Additionally, any wallets specified in -wallet= settings on the command line or in the hellar.conf file are also loaded. Wallets that are unloaded in the GUI are also removed from the settings list so they won’t automatically load on the next startup.

The createwalletloadwallet, and unloadwallet RPCs now accept load_on_startup options to modify the settings list. Unless these options are explicitly set to true or false, the list is not modified, so the RPC methods remain backwards compatible.